Monday, December 14, 2009

Simply look around and view it

A busy weekend here in Tempe! I painted my room. Check it out!

Friday, December 11, 2009

If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it.

I painted my bathroom! And it's orange! I had some opposition from some and encouragement from others (thanks mom!). I bought the shower curtain, rug and towels at Target and the new hardware on the walls at Ikea. So here it is:

A big thanks goes out to Rick and Dave for training me in the ways of painting!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Now over here, if you'll follow me, I have something rather special to show you.

Hello All!

Here is my version of the Ikea hacker project:

I like it! It was fun to make last night. That's what I've been up to.

So long for now!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm sorry, but all questions *must* be submitted in writing

So everyone who I have talked to (that's like 3 people right?) have asked to see pictures of my new place!

My Bedroom: There is a large closet on the right wall that is out of sight. There is a sliver of my dresser in front of bed and on top is a TV. And the bright light glowing from the corner is actually a floor lamp and not the pathway to a better place.

Here is my messy desk area and "expedit". Notice the TRASH.

The living/TV room. All nicely furnished with Ikea. GO Annie!

And our SWEET Ikea Kitchen. Love it!There ya go folks! My new home.

Well I'm sure why this is underlined...but we are going to go with it.

I'm excited to start this new phase in my life. I love hearing from you guys (as I don't really have any friends yet) so call!

Ok this underlined crap is annoying me so I will tell you all about the exciting world of painting another day.


Snozzwangers? Vermicious Knids? What kind of rubbish is that?

I'm in Arizona! I hope everyone knew that... I feel like I am learning a new language at times. There are different street names, different places and different stores. I feel lost at times! But I will soon know everything there is and can't wait show everyone who visits me! Right? People ARE going to come see me?

On to the pictures! (I know that the only reason some read this)

The journey:

Here are the Iowa pictures

MY car! She made it! What a trooper.

And here is Missouri:
These were our companions on the trip Mr. Garmin and the one-armed monster.

This must be Texas? Our very short lived visit.
Our lunch on the second day:And here is New Mexico:
What a journey is was! I'm glad Dad got me there safely and puke-less! Yay Dad!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Little surprises around every corner, but nothing dangerous

Picture time!

This is the amazing work Mom and I worked on over spring break! She is amazing and I am very grateful for her help! It took two long days but we did it. Now the only thing I need to do is add some trees and maybe a fence. But getting this done will certainly keep us on schedule. Shout out to mama-dear! love ya.

And today I got a hair cut! It's ok. The hairdresser I had was a complete whack-job. wow. It was strange.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Stuff and nonsense

So Kelsey and want to make chocolate cupcakes. But we don't have enough ingredients. This happens a lot we want to make something but are missing usually just one thing. We should invest more staple foods.

I gave Mattie a bath on Sunday in our bathtub. She was dirty from the melty snow. She is so soft and sweet smelling now! This picture is actually from mpls but she looks so funny all wet!

We have approximately 3 buckets of Kelsey's popcorn sitting on our kitchen table from our last shindig. She loves her popcorn. So every morning i start the day with a handful of popcorn (or every time I walk into the kitchen) and I don't even like it all that much! And Kelsey likes to stand there and drop popcorn on the dog's head and laugh about it.

LOST is not new on Wednesday. Boo on that note.

BTW I am simply writing what Kelsey is telling me to. She is now telling me that there is a blizzard warning for Morris! More frickin snow. Not alright.

Well my source for blog inspiration has succumbed to more popcorn eating. Ciao!